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Maiyan Questions

Thank You for Purchasing the R&R Maiyan Kit.      Below you will find everything you need to know for your Maiyan & More!

Frequesntly Asked Questions

Does the Bride/Groom shower after the Mayian Ceremony?


We wish we could provide a better answer to this question. Each family has different traditions and different ways they do each ceremony. Depending on your family, you may or may not be allowed to shower after the Mayian Ceremony. Neither way is incorrect, they are just different.




What happens to the outfit the Bride/Groom wears during the Mayian Cermony?


Again, each family is different so there are variations, but traditioally, the outfit that is worn during the Maiyan is not worn again and is generally gifted to someone less fortunate than yourself.




Who makes the Maiyan Chowk?


The Maiyan Chowk is usually created by the women in the family and close friends. Sisters, cousins, neices, and aunts can all participate to create the Maiyan Chowk. The Mother of the Bride/Groom usually does not participate in creating the Maiyan Chowk.

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