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Raman & Raveen | R&R Event Rentals
Raman & Raveen
While planning our own wedding we were amazed at how much we spent on just the basics. We wanted to provide a service at the most reasonable price for clients just like us!
R&R Event Rentals was designed with you in mind, we are a young, fun loving couple, doing everything in our power to create everlasting memories for our amazing clients.
Contatc us for more info!
Bridal Shower
The Fiesta Themed Bridal Shower was so much fun and a great end to all of our events before the wedding!
Enjoy some photos!

Fiesta Photos!


Flowers for your Hair!

Pinata Time!

Playing "Who's Got The Groom?"

Priya handing out the prizes

Our Pinata Winner!

Raveen for the Day!

Grand Entrance!

Game Station

Fiesta This Way!

Photo Booth

Gift Table!

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